

To experience the Ural atmosphere, in Magnitogorsk you can try out the dishes of the Ural cuisine.

  • Stroganina from a deer.

The Ural people were very fond of game from the forest, and in order to preserve it better, they subjected the meat to freezing. That's how stroganina appeared – thinly sliced pieces of frozen meat that are dipped in salt and spices and eaten with crispy pickled cabbage.

  • Nettle soup.

The ingredients for this dish are collected in late May, early June, when the nettles are young. Take only the upper tender leaves of the plant. The broth can be both meat and vegetable.

  • Dumplings.

As a rule, three types of meat are put in Ural dumplings: deer, roe deer and pork. Dumplings are the soul of Ural cuisine, they are a special filling, a special dough. In addition to the meat filling, the Urals also add nettles, fish and pickled cabbage

to the dumplings.

  • Bird cherry pies.

The dish, known to many since childhood, is unique, and outside the Urals they might not even have heard of such baking. When preparing the filling, the berries are scrolled along with sugar and placed inside the yeast dough.

Bird cherry pies

Bird cherry pies